Archives 2017

New Petition Started: Public/Catholic Private School Funding in Ontario

A second issue that has been on my radar for a while is the unfair funding practices for schools in Ontario. Even the UN commented on it – 20 years ago! – and nothing has changed. I think that we are past due for some funding changes here in Ontario.
Please sign and spread the word. Thanks!

Travel Advisory Petition Update

Quick petition update here: The signature numbers are starting to come in, but there is a long ways to go yet. On the plus side, I checked today and noticed that my petition is currently being highlighted on the LeadNow petitions page.( So, let’s keep going, spread the word and ensure a fair and peaceful process for all countries. Thank you!

Vote now for the best/worst charity ads of 2017 (From Oxfam Blog)

I saw this too late to vote, and I haven’t watched all of the ads that were referenced, but I did watch the one at the top (which was voted the best in the end).  Definitely worth watching – if you work in the NGO world, or have any interest in the NGO world. It’s short, and very well done.

Petition Started Related to Canadian Travel Advisories in Egypt – Please Sign and Spread the Word!

Dear Friends,
I just added the petition “Ensure Fair Travel Advisories for the Middle East”.
It would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name because:
Many countries in the Middle East, particularly Egypt, rely heavily on tourism for employment – providing direct and indirect income to countless people. When Western countries put up travel advisories, many people are discouraged from visiting. As a result, local incomes are reduced, unemployment is increased, poverty is worsened, and countless families suffer unnecessarily. This is an avoidable tragedy, and directly contradicts the aims of our international aid, and the great work of countless NGOs and others who are working on development in the region.
At the same time, many Western countries have had significant security events happen in major urban areas, and have not had similar advisories placed on them by the Canadian government.
Canadians (including myself) and other expats have lived, worked and traveled in and out of Egypt happily and safely over the last several decades, even when travel advisories have been present, including staff at the Canadian embassy in Cairo. This petition is not suggesting that there are no safety risks – simply asking that the region get treated fairly, and endorsed equally compared to Western countries.
Real change happens when everyday people like you and I come together and stand up for what we believe in. Together we can reach heaps of people and help create change around this important issue.
After you’ve signed the petition please also take a moment to share it with others. It’s super easy – all you need to do is forward this link or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:

NYTimes: Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord, Leaving Only U.S. Opposed

Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord, Leaving Only U.S. Opposed
Never would have thought a decade ago that this is where we would end up. Clearly, massive climate change action is taking place globally, regardless of what happens federally in the US. Besides working hard, all that’s left is to hope that we are doing enough to avert a major catastrophe.

NYTimes: What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer

What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer
As a Canadian, living only a few hours from the US border, and as a pacifst, I struggle to see how essentially unregulated gun ownership has any upside. I see very little reason for anybody to keep a gun in their house/car/purse etc. When there has been this much escalation already, what can be done to turn the cycle of violence and gun ownership around? Changing social norms? Trading guns in for something else that people want more? Education? Any ideas?

World Vegan Food Day/Month Challenge

Today is World Vegan Day! And, the UK vegan society, I found out, has turned vegan food day into a vegan food month, with a challenge to go vegan for the month of Nov. (  I couldn’t find anything equivalent for Canada – although that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. So, if it isn’t in Canada yet, let’s start it now. How many of you will join the challenge and go vegan for Nov?  🙂 It’s really not as hard as it sounds – there is so much great vegan cheese and yogurt available, amazing vegan restaurants etc etc. If going 100% doesn’t feel right, how about going part way and nudging yourself a bit further towards plant-based eating from where you are now? Maybe grab a few friends and have them join you and try it together. Working as a group usually makes challenges more enjoyable. 🙂
Share your successes, challenges and questions here and see how you feel at the end of Nov. 🙂

"Reese Witherspoon's Moving Speech at Glamour's 2015 Women of the Year Awards: 'Like Elle Woods, I Do Not Like to be Underestimated.'"
Came across part of this speech by Reese Witherspoon recently on Facebook, and thought it was worth finding the full speech. Turns out that it is a couple of years old – but well worth highlighting. I’ve always appreciated the effort she puts into promoting strong female characters, and this highlights her efforts to promote strong women in leadership, and with ambition, in all aspects of life.
Here are a couple of quotes:

“I dread reading scripts that have no women involved in their creation
because inevitably I get to that part where the girl turns to the guy,
and she says, “What do we do now?!” Do you know any woman in any
crisis situation who has absolutely no idea what to do? I mean, don’t
they tell people in crisis, even children, “If you’re in trouble, talk
to a woman.” It’s ridiculous that a woman wouldn’t know what to do.”


“I think we are in a culture crisis in every field. In every industry,
women are underrepresented and underpaid in leadership positions.
Under 5 percent of CEOs of fortune 500 companies are women. Only 19
percent of Congress is women. No wonder we don’t have the health care
we deserve or paid family leave or public access to early childhood
education. That really worries me. How can we expect legislation or
our needs to be served if we don’t have equal representation? So
here’s my hope: If you’re in politics, media, the tech industry, or
working as an entrepreneur or a teacher or a construction worker or a
caregiver, you know the problems we are all facing.

I urge each one of you to ask yourselves: What do we do now? That’s a
big question. What is it in life that you think you can’t accomplish?
Or what is it that people have said that you cannot do? Wouldn’t it
feel really good to prove them all wrong? Because I believe ambition
is not a dirty word. It’s just believing in yourself and your
abilities. Imagine this: What would happen if we were all brave enough
to be a little bit more ambitious? I think the world would change.”

Funding for Public/Catholic/Private Schools

Based on a long-standing frustration I have, and some recent discussions, I am putting a question out there. Anybody have any ideas why the Catholics get full funding in Ontario for their schools, and other private (including faith-based) schools, need to operate without government support? Perhaps there was something that made sense at some point in history, but surely it can’t be justified in today’s multi-cultural and diverse world.  In my opinion, it’s all or nothing – either all private schools get the same subsidy (assuming that they meet appropriate provincial standards etc), or nobody gets anything. I can’t see a way to justify giving substantial funding to one group at the expense of all others. (As a disclaimer, I have close connections to several private, faith-based schools and other institutions, but don’t work there, and am not speaking on their behalf here.)
So, given that this is a system that seems destined to end – or undergo a radical change – at some point, the questions are:

  • How much longer will it continue like this?
  • What can be done to move change forward faster? Petitions? Meeting with government? Other?
  • Is anything being done on this issue already that I’m not aware of?
  • What is the stance of local/provincial/federal governments on this issue?


Housing Sizes – How big is big enough?

Lately, I have been noticing a lot of new student housing going up in Waterloo, which I think is great. I love living in a city with a vibrant education scene, and having 2 major universities within a few blocks of each other is great. The student housing is all apartment blocks. At the same time, certain parts of town are either already filled with – or expanding to add more single family dwellings. Many of them look huge from the outside. Based on occasionally looking some places up on the realtor website – my totally unscientific survey – it appears that they are frequently over 2,500 square feet of living space (including the basement) and many are probably well over  3,000 sq. feet.
Based on a very rough guess from my student days, I’m guessing that the student apartments are pretty tight (apartments under 1,000 square feet, shared by several people). So, students are perhaps getting 350 square feet per person, probably often less. Then, somehow, to fill these new places, people are supposed to “graduate” out of student housing to single family dwelling with well over 500 square feet per person, and still be able to afford the mortgage etc.  Also, what does it say about our priorities if so much of our collectives resources are going towards our own, large dwellings instead of donating the money or using it to build community? Why aren’t more apartment buildings sized for and aimed at families with children?
According to this article, this isn’t all in my imagination. They are suggesting that the size of new homes has doubled since the 1970’s, and homes in Canada are the US are larger, on average, than other parts of the world, including Europe. So, what can we as Canadians do to live more simply and match our international neighours in our housing choices? 🙂
Extra Info:
This UN report ranks countries, in one chart based on whether people have more or less than 20 sq metres/215 sq. feet/person, which equals around 1,000 sq ft for a family of 4.

Our love affair with home ownership might be doomed: The Globe and Mail