Funding for Public/Catholic/Private Schools

Funding for Public/Catholic/Private Schools

Based on a long-standing frustration I have, and some recent discussions, I am putting a question out there. Anybody have any ideas why the Catholics get full funding in Ontario for their schools, and other private (including faith-based) schools, need to operate without government support? Perhaps there was something that made sense at some point in history, but surely it can’t be justified in today’s multi-cultural and diverse world.  In my opinion, it’s all or nothing – either all private schools get the same subsidy (assuming that they meet appropriate provincial standards etc), or nobody gets anything. I can’t see a way to justify giving substantial funding to one group at the expense of all others. (As a disclaimer, I have close connections to several private, faith-based schools and other institutions, but don’t work there, and am not speaking on their behalf here.)
So, given that this is a system that seems destined to end – or undergo a radical change – at some point, the questions are:

  • How much longer will it continue like this?
  • What can be done to move change forward faster? Petitions? Meeting with government? Other?
  • Is anything being done on this issue already that I’m not aware of?
  • What is the stance of local/provincial/federal governments on this issue?


