Tag Climate Targets

Trudeau's Climate Hypocrisy

Greta Thunberg Shares Op-Ed Calling Out Trudeau’s Climate Hypocrisy – HP

Liberal MPs Urge Trudeau To Reject Massive Alberta Oilsands Mine – HP

Trudeau’s continued failure to act substantively on climate change has to end. While pretending to care about climate action, Trudeau and the Liberals continue to act in ways that can not be justified – and they are rightly being called out, by environmentalists, and even by some of their own MPs.

”If an alcoholic assured you he was taking his condition very seriously, but also laying in a 40-year store of bourbon, you’d be entitled to doubt his sincerity.”

(Bill McKibben, quoted by Greta Thunberg)


So, to hold this government to account, I am suggesting contacting your MP (whether Liberal or other), and the PM’s office, asking for an immediate commitment to the following:

1) Immediate end to all fossil fuel subsidies, no new fossil fuel or nuclear projects and a rapid phase out of existing projects, with all funds put towards clean projects/sustainability.

2) Support for immediate implementation of Proportional Representation, to give the Green Party and others the voice that they rightfully deserve at the table.

3) Substantial climate targets – with annual and 5-year goals – that are in line with the best science. A theoretical aim to be climate neutral by 2050 is meaningless. If they need something easy to grasp, how about this? 1% reduction/month = approx 10% per year, which then leads to carbon neutral in 10 years, and carbon negative after that. 🙂

I have heard, too often, from a few Liberals (those that I have spoken to about this, which is obviously not a representative sample), that anything that they do has to be considered “good enough”, and we shouldn’t complain, because others – parties or provinces or countries or whoever they can find – are doing less. However, doing the right thing is not a race to the bottom, there is a lot of room for improvement, and it needs to start now. 🙂

Toronto Star: Elizabeth May: We have had decades to stop the climate crisis. The era of procrastination must end.

Sometimes, in conversations around making the changes that are necessary for a cleaner, better environment, I hear people talk about any given change and, referring either to themselves or society generally, say “Well, maybe people could make that change, but it would take decades. Nobody can make that change fast, like the science is asking us to do.”

Here is my response: We have all had decades – starting back before I was born, and decades before my kids were born. Like a student who procrastinates all term and then has to do all of their work in the last week of the term, the opportunity to do things more gradually was there, and it wasn’t taken. Now, we have decades of work to do and we have to get it done. There are no extensions available.

It’s time to act – removing fossil fuel subsidies, adding major subsidies to renewables to speed the transition, switching to a local and heavily plant-based diet, living in smaller and more energy efficient homes, getting gas guzzling vehicles off the roads, flying less, reducing emissions in all areas, electing leaders (like Elizabeth May and the Green Party) who will put climate action at the top of the agenda, knowing that some changes will be relatively easy and some will be harder. We need to meet (and exceed) the major climate agreement targets – and we need to do it fast. I believe that it can be done – all it requires is the will to step out of our comfort zone, make the changes and do the right thing.

Toronto Star: Elizabeth May: We have had decades to stop the climate crisis. The era of procrastination must end.