Trump’s economy is great for billionaires, not for working people
And, I would suggest, this is not a problem that is limited to the US. Massive income and wealth gaps are destructive in so many ways. Stronger systems are needed, as mentioned – free post-secondary education and so many others – along with so many other changes.
So, here are a few questions that come to mind around questions of income inequality:
- At what point will it be seen as socially undesirable to be a CEO, for example, who makes massive sums of money when entry level staff are struggling to make ends meet?
- Why, in some circles, is it seen as desirable to be ultra-wealthy, find tax loopholes etc?
- On a more basic level, (this is the simple living Menno coming out in me), do we really fully challenge ourselves to not be tempted by a house/car/income that is bigger than we actually need? Do we nudge ourselves to see simple living and equality as a positive goal to embrace?
- How would our houses and lifestyles be viewed by the newcomer families that we support?
- Do we support political systems, parties and policies that truly support equality for everybody, including equality and justice for the environment?
There’s lots more that I could add, but I’ll leave it here for now. 🙂