Update below went out to signatories today. I am sharing it here as well. Petition link: https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/ensure-fair-travel-advisories-for-the-middle-east . Please help me by sharing, spreading the word and supporting this important issue. Let’s use our voice to build global communities of peace, justice and cooperation, and counter the negative rhetoric coming from so many places recently.
Hello all,
I started two petitions at the same time – this and another one. The other one (related to school funding in Ontario), has over 600 signatures and growing. For some reason, I have had trouble getting momentum started on this one. However, I do not want to close it, and I believe that it has significant value.
Despite the widely different travel advisories, the BBC reported recently on a Gallup poll which found that people felt safer in Egypt than in the US or the UK. “The survey placed Egypt 16th out of 135 countries, while the UK was 21st and the US 35th.”
In this era, building positive relationships between countries has never been more important, and unnecessary travel advisories are very damaging.
So, please help me build momentum on this important issue. Sign and share in your circles. Thank you! 🙂