As part of an affiliate program, what that means, simply, is that if you follow the link from my website to theirs, your transaction will go through the same as if you went straight to their website from a web search, for example. However, by clicking on my link first, I get paid a small percentage of your sale from the company – funds which help to cover my time and the costs of building and running this website. I appreciate your support. 😀


Ready to order? Click here: VeganlyBox

This is a fairly new company. Look for further details down the road! 🙂

VeganlyBox™ is a vegan subscription box service serving the domestic and international market of vegans! VeganlyBox™ currently only sells snack boxes with hopes to sell beauty, health, and fitness boxes in the future.

Ready to order? Click here: VeganlyBox

Ready to order? Click here: VeganlyBox

Ready to order? Click here: VeganlyBox