Facebook Boycott Update and Action Item Request

Facebook Fails to Appease Organizers of Ad Boycott NYT

As the Facebook advertising boycott continues, this website continues to add its’ voice to countless others who are calling for Facebook to be held accountable for hate speech, violence, misinformation and other significant problems that it is allowing to continue.

Facebook does not yet seem moved to action, and appears confident that people will continue to use the platform (eyes on screens) and spend $ (advertising revenue). We all have a part to play in speaking up against hate. In that spirit, here is my ask for today:

ACTION: This website does have a Facebook page, and that is a way that many in this community are connected. My ask for today is that you join others by following the website (here) by email/through WordPress. Not only will you get more information (the website has far more details, resources and an online store!), you will be able to stay connected without opening Facebook.

By joining others on the website, you will be a part of helping make a statement to Facebook, and contributing one small action towards change against hate speech. Click here for details.

NOTE: In line with the boycott, I will not be promoting this on Facebook. Please share widely within your circles. See you soon!

Click here for details.

Petition Updates – School Funding and PR

Hi all,

It’s been a while since I did a petition update – here is where things are at:

School Funding: – End Discriminatory Funding for Catholic, Public and Independent Schools in Ontario

– We are at almost 3,000 signatures. It’s great start, but we have a long ways to go. To be clear, this is completely in favour of a strong public system. We are simply asking that the discrimination of funding Catholics only be ended and a newer, more just funding model be established. 🙂

PR– Enact Electoral Reform and Proportional Representation in Canada

– This one is fairly new, and is getting close to 500 signatures. There are countless people working on this issue., and change must happen soon. First Past the Post (FPTP) is divisive and contributes to polarization. We were promised change by the current Liberal goverment and they have backed down on their word. With enough pressure, from enough places, Canada will still get a PR system, in line with best democratic practices. 🙂

If you have questions, check my website, the petition websites or others that are working on this issue (eg FairVote Canada). 🙂

New Petition Started: Enact Electoral Reform and Proportional Representation in Canada

Hello all,

Following yesterday’s election, and my frustration at having to vote, again, under FPTP, I have decided to take action to help empower change, and have started a public petition. Based on many conversations I have had, I know that there are many of us who are frustrated with the current system, and are asking for PR. PR is a more representative system, as well as a more cooperative way to work towards big goals on climate and other issues. Please support me by signing and sharing widely in your circles. Thank you! 🙂

Enact Electoral Reform and Proportional Representation in Canada on Change.org.