For the sake of life on Earth, we must put a limit on wealth

For the sake of life on Earth, we must put a limit on wealth

Excellent article from The Guardian here:

Totally agree – the endless pursuit of wealth has no upside, for me. This fits in well with the donut economics model by Kate Raworth.

Donut Economics by Kate Raworth

While some parts of the world certainly need an increase in standard of living, much of the world will need to accept a decrease in order to stay within planetary boundaries. (And that does not apply only to the ultra rich with private planes and yachts.) Certainly, many others will need to adjust, if not to an actual decrease, certainly a decrease in what we are striving for in the future – an adjustment of goals and hopes and what we aiming for in life.

Extreme wealth imbalances, in my opinion, have no place in a balanced environment, or in a balanced society.

