Check out the new and Improved IG page!

There has been some work going on behind the scenes, and I invite you to check out the new and improved MennoAdventures IG page! There are still a few updates being integrated, and I appreciate your patience as those get fixed.

In the meantime, in the comments, please introduce yourself and share where you live – and one sustainability change you have made in the past that you are excited about. Have you reduced or quit flying? Switched to more plant-based eating? Become vegetarian or vegan? Encouraged your office/school/worship space/extended family/friends to be more actively LGBTQ+ safe? Something else? I look forward to hearing what everyone is up to!

Happy Friday – Fun and Games With Backyard Squirrels! 😀

Here in Canada, (as with many other places) our yard, like most others, has a lot of squirrels. And, during this year+ of lockdown, we have had plenty of time, in our backyard (eating, reading etc) to watch our neighbourhood squirrels, chipmunks, birds, rabbits and other visitors. So, for the end of the week, here is what someone else (nobody we personally know, to be clear) having some fun with his backyard squirrel visitors. Squirrels are definitely far smarter than I ever realized. Happy Weekend! 😀

Here is Part #1

And here is Part #2…


Looking for zero-waste, plant-based or sustainable items? Check out the MennoAdventures online store! There are always lots of great deals to be found, with our many amazing partners! Happy browsing!