Check out the new and Improved IG page!

There has been some work going on behind the scenes, and I invite you to check out the new and improved MennoAdventures IG page! There are still a few updates being integrated, and I appreciate your patience as those get fixed.

In the meantime, in the comments, please introduce yourself and share where you live – and one sustainability change you have made in the past that you are excited about. Have you reduced or quit flying? Switched to more plant-based eating? Become vegetarian or vegan? Encouraged your office/school/worship space/extended family/friends to be more actively LGBTQ+ safe? Something else? I look forward to hearing what everyone is up to!

MennoAdventures Instagram Page – new Updates!

After a brief delay (from when we actually got the MennoAdventures IG page set up), everything is now (hopefully) working correctly, and everything that posts here (on the website) should now also show up on IG!

Some of the older posts will be shared over, for reference, and everything new should show up every time there is a new post. Please check out the page, if you are interested, and consider inviting others to follow (on IG, other social media, or here on the website) as well. The more the merrier! 😀

Have a great day!


Looking for sustainable, zero-waste or plant-based items? Check out the MennoAdventures online store. Looking for more info or resources? Check out the website!

New Website is Live Now! Come Check it Out!😊

timelapse photography of fireworks
timelapse photography of fireworks
Photo by Pixabay on

It’s official! We are now live, here at the new site: There are still a few things getting uploaded and tidied up (some related to the transition and some new pieces), but the site is now ready for you to come and see what we’ve been working on for the last few months.

In addition to the basic website redesign and transition, the online store has been newly reorganized, for your browsing pleasure – and is full of countless, amazing sustainable products. Plus, there are some new items coming soon to the store – stay tuned! 😊

If you have any questions, please feel free to send a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Happy browsing!

In case you missed it in the earlier post, here are the transition details and notes, below.


After a great deal of work, (mostly by my amazing designer!) I am pleased to let you know that we are now live at the new domain name! There are still a few details being worked out, but we are up and running! 😊

The next post will be from the new website, but there are a few details that I wanted to share with you first, so that nobody gets lost in the transition.

Here is what you need to know:

  1. Please change your bookmarks etc to the new website:
  2. If you subscribe via social media, everything should have switched over to the new website. If you have any problems, either try subscribing again – or contact me if you are having trouble.
  3. If you subscribe via email, you may have received an email to confirm that you want to stay subscribed at the new domain name. (Had a few tech challenges with this piece – which is why there are a few variables here). If you did, please confirm that way. If you did not get a confirmation email (or it got lost in cyberspace), please go to the new website and re-enter your email address to subscribe again.  Thank you!
  4. If you follow directly via wordpress, I believe that you will need to follow again from the new website. (Still working on that piece.) Again, if you have any trouble,  please let me know.
  5. The old website will stay active for a little while yet, to redirect people to the new website, until the transition is fully complete.

Over the next few days, hopefully most of these transition details will be finished, and we will be ready to go on the new site. Other updates will hopefully be coming, down the road, in the next few months.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback on the new website, please let me know using the contact form, and I will get back to you as soon as possible! Thank you all for your support so far! Hope to see you at the new website soon! 😊

Happy (Let's Relate to Each other with More Civility…) New Year 2021! 😊

Here’s to a new year, filled with lots of good things, including (but not limited to…) progress towards the end of this pandemic, strong climate action, electoral reform, peace and justice locally and globally, and civility towards each other.

Stay tuned for more website updates in the coming months. 💻😊


MennoAdventures is now on Instagram! :)

As the website update continues, new pieces are being added every day – and I am pleased to let you know that the Instagram page (search for MennoAdventures, if you are having trouble with the link) is now up and running! A few details still need to be sorted out on the tech side, but we are there – and I would love to see you there, as well!

There are now 3 ways to stay connected with MennoAdventures – the website (hint: don’t forget to sign up for newsletter updates), Facebook, and Instagram (I would love it if you would please follow me :)). Questions? Just ask me and I’ll do my best to help you out.

There are still a few more pieces to come for the website – including changes to a few pages, possibly some new online store options, and a custom domain – hopefully coming by January! Happy Wednesday!

Website (Phase 1) and Online Store Updates

Hi all!

Things are moving along here! Phase one of the website redesign is almost done! The basic design is up, and most pages are in place, including a new and improved online store. The logo and a few other things (including some images etc) are still missing or waiting to be updated, but they will be in place soon, hopefully. Phase 2 (coming at some point, TBD) is expected to include a custom domain name and some other changes. Stay tuned!

Also, the amazing partners in the online store have far too many sustainable items to list here – and many of them have seasonal promotions going on. Whatever you are looking for – from clothes to zero waste kitchen items, laundry detergent or phone cases, the store has it! Check it out – you may even find things that you didn’t know you were looking for. 🙂

In the meantime, I would love it if you check it out and share in your circles, and sign up for updates, if you aren’t already. Have a great day! 🙂

Website Update Has Begun! (And there are lots of great deals in the online store! :))

Hi all,

As I mentioned earlier, a number of website updates are taking place – and you may notice some changes over the next days/weeks, as various changes are put into place. This process will likely culminate with a new domain name, but those details are still being worked out.

In the meantime, I want to note that a couple of test pages, with incomplete text or filler/test text, went live without an “in construction” note at the top of the page. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Hopefully that will be remedied today or tomorrow.

For now, please continue to come over and see what’s happening! We’re doing out best to minimize disruptions as we build the new system. While pages may look different, all of the content is still there, and the online store is bursting with deals to help you live and purchase thoughtfully and sustainably, throughout the holiday season and beyond. 🙂

If you have questions or comments on the new system, please use the contact form to get in touch. I’ll do my best to reply as quickly as possible. Have a great weekend!